Origins of a World
25 March – 28 May 2023
The exhibition conceived by Reeve Schumacher as part of the Rendez-vous, Sous-sol program resembles a mystical experience where a memory of the cosmos seems to be told. The imagination of the Origins of a world that we discover here makes hallucinated visions of landscapes collide, whose outlines take shape through the relics gleaned by the artist.
Incised vinyl records whose strange melody resonates in space, hundreds of meters of fishermen’s rope intertwined into ingenious forms reminiscent of talismans, shaman masks and hypnotic videos; each form deployed by Reeve Schumacher constitutes a vibrating element of an ever-changing whole.
Like light bearers illuminating our presence with their staggering beams, two totems made of stacked speakers and fluorescent lights are suspended across the central space and seem to surround us. In an infinite rotating movement whose pace varies to the tune of the score composed by the artist, they capture our astounded bodies and minds, stubbornly drawn into the melody that springs from the frenetic dance of these strangely familiar objects.
Each in their own way, they form an organism whose flow affects our perception of space and time, like the initiatory tale of a ceremony that places art at the very heart of our past, present and future existences.
Ashes to Ashes…
Curator: Reeve Schumacher, Stéphane Ibars and Mélanie Bellue
Photo : Reeve Schumacher / © Reeve Schumacher