Alchemy of encounter

June 23, 2024 – January 19, 2025

Cy Twombly, Three Dialogues, 1977, Détail / Vue d’expo

Donation Yvon Lambert en 2012, Collection Centre national des arts plastiques en dépôt à la Collection Lambert, Avignon

© Cy Twombly Foundation, photo Fabrice Lindor

Richard Long,

Sculpture at Yvon Lambert, Paris, 1969, Photographie couleur

Donation Yvon Lambert en 2012, Collection Centre national des arts plastiques en dépôt à la Collection Lambert, Avignon

© Adagp, Paris, 2024 – Photo André Morain / Reproduction Fabrice Lindor

Richard Serra,

Japico II, 1990, Pastel gras sur papier

Donation Yvon Lambert en 2012, Collection Centre national des arts plastiques en dépôt à la Collection Lambert, Avignon

© Adagp, Paris, 2024 – Photo François Fernandez

A Creative Impulse in Continuous Motion

A collection of contemporary art is above all a promise of discovery in permanence, an enchantment that is continually renewed and shared through encounters. Over seven months, the exhibition program “Alchemy of Encounters” presents a fresh presentation of works from the Lambert Collection across both 18th-century townhouses.
Like squares on a board game, each museum room carries a distinct theme, evoking the rich history of this extraordinary institution. In this playful arrangement, works from different epochs and genres intersect through their connections with poetry, literature, and art history. Amidst this wealth of references, books, fictions, and personal memories, several mysterious objects from neighboring museums or borrowed from friendly collections will also be on display.
Like a journey through thought and time, certain clues will remind attentive visitors and museum regulars of major past exhibitions such as “À Fripon Fripon et Demi,” “The Disappearance of Fireflies,” and “Figures of the Actor.” Some rooms will also highlight prominent figures from the collection, such as Cy Twombly, Marcel Broodthaers, Anselm Kiefer, and Richard Long, whose 1969 installation will be reactivated for the first time.
Referencing the protocols of the new American avant-gardes supported by Yvon Lambert since the 1960s, where works serve as guides to new sensory experiences, the exhibition rooms define their own rules of engagement, invoking monographic presentations, group exhibitions, and ephemeral events in turn.
This generation of pioneers championed by Yvon Lambert (conceptual artists, minimalists, land artists, artists of attitudes) will be summoned through the reactivation of the protocol imagined by John Cage in 1993—Rolywholyover A Circus. Over 60 works from the 1960s-1970s will be permanently reinstalled in public view, according to precise directives from software designed specifically for the exhibition. By subverting the usual conventions of the institution, this hanging protocol invites perpetual renewal and reveals the poetry behind the daily routines of installers, harmonizing with the artworks and museum display rules to create a ballet of a new kind.
To enrich this dynamic, the Lambert Collection will collaborate with allied artists such as Adrien Vescovi, who will offer works resonating with this hanging game. Similarly, architect and scenographer Olivier Vadrot will be invited to design a setup fostering exchange and dialogue, installed at the heart of the museum rooms and regularly activated by invited figures from the world of art and culture who will engage with the public and museum teams.

The Artists

Carl Andre
Shusaku Arakawa
David Askevold
Mirosław Bałka
Miquel Barceló
Robert Barry
Roland Barthes
Bill Beckley
Joseph Beuys
James Bishop
Pierre Bismuth
Louise Bourgeois
Marcel Broodthaers
Daniel Buren
André Cadere
Mircea Cantor et Gabriela Vanga
Robert Combas
Daniel Gustav Cramer
Nicolas Daubanes
Daniel Dezeuze
Jan Dibbets
Jason Dodge
Spencer Finch

Claire Fontaine
Vincent Ganivet
Pierre Giner
Nan Goldin
Douglas Gordon
Dan Graham
Joseph Grigely
François Halard
Jenny Holzer
Roni Horn
David Horvitz
Koo Jeong A
Donald Judd
On Kawara
Idris Khan
Anselm Kiefer
Joseph Kosuth
Thierry Kuntzel
Louise Lawler
Sol LeWitt
Richard Long
Stéphane Mallarmé
Rutilio Manetti
Robert Mangold
Christian Marclay
Brice Marden

Gordon Matta-Clark
Jason Matthew Lee
Olivier Mosset
Hans Namuth
Bruce Nauman
Damir Očko
Dennis Oppenheim
Giulio Paolini
Giuseppe Penone
Edda Renouf
Kay Rosen
Robert Ryman
Anri Sala
Fred Sandback
Markus Schinwald
Richard Serra
Andres Serrano
Catherine Sullivan
Niele Toroni
Richard Tuttle
Cy Twombly
Olivier Vadrot
Adrien Vescovi
Francesco Vezzoli
Lawrence Weiner

Partnerships with the Museums of Avignon

Musée Calvet / Muséum Requien / Bibliothèque Ceccano / Archives Municipales d’Avignon / Maison Jean Vilar / Antenne avignonnaise de la BnF.