Making art like we are making society

In partnership with the National Institute of Art History

14th november 2019

Speaker: FRANÇOIS HERS (artist)

In his Letter to a Friend, François Hers proposes to open a new chapter in the history of art. He considers, in fact, that the conditions are now met for the writing of a chapter which could be that of an art of Democracy which follows on from what has been called Modern art.

In this new chapter, the aim is now to give a satisfactory meaning to the results of this conquest of modernity which began in the Renaissance and which ended in our sixties. Long period during which the artists assumed a decisive social role because the main engine of creation was, according to Hers, the invention of Individuality and the emancipation, which is linked to it, from all modes of perception of the world and all forms of expression of the person.

To act on this scene, the New Sponsors Protocol defines the roles and responsibilities of all social actors, whoever they are and wherever they live or work: it is up to citizens to say a reason for being art and an investment in creation by publicly assuming responsibility for an order; artists to create the appropriate work, all creative disciplines can be involved; politicians and patrons, with their respective administrations, to contribute to taking the initiative into account with the help of the skills provided by cultural mediators, key players in bringing all actors together effectively for a production of completed work; philosophers and social scientists to shed light on the issues and put the action into perspective.


Price of Thursdays: 5 €
Reduced rate: 2 € (Friends, subscribers, job seekers, teachers)
Free for students

Within the limit of available seats