Stories of transmission


From July 1st to 4th at 11 AM – Free entry

Auditorium of the Collection Lambert

Ceux qui rougissent
© Julien Gaspar-Oliveri

Les rêves dansants
© Anne Linsel et Rainer Hoffmann

Peter Brook sur un fil
© Simon Brook

Seule la danse
© Stéphane-Carrel

How to Teach Arts and Creativity?

Can emotions, sensitivity, intensity, and passion be conveyed? Through what experiences can young aspiring artists be led to explore their own relationship with creation and fully integrate their being into their artistic expression to pave the way for a living and vibrant art capable of touching the audience?
In partnership with the Collection Lambert, ARTE invites you into the intimacy of studios and schools to follow dance and theater classes and the lessons of two great masters, Pina Bausch and Peter Brook. A selection of fascinating documentaries and a surprising new series presented as a preview, accompanied by meetings with artists.

Sessions presented by Marie Labory (ARTE Journal)

Monday, July 1st

Those Who Blush
A dramatic comedy nourished by improvisation to accurately and delicately capture the dizziness of adolescence. Screening followed by a discussion with director Julien Gaspar-Oliveri and actor Elio Fabbro. —
Series by Julien Gaspar-Oliveri (France, 2024, 8x10min)

Tuesday, July 2nd

Dancing Dreams
Teenagers perform one of Pina Bausch’s most famous pieces about the quest for love. Seen from behind the scenes, the birth of a passion and first dance emotions.  Screening followed by a discussion with dancers Çağdaş Ermiş and Simon le Borgne from the Tanztheater Wuppertal Ensemble.

Documentary by Anne Linsel and Rainer Hoffmann based on “Kontakthof” by Pina Bausch (Germany, 2010, 1h25, with French subtitles)

Wednesday, July 3rd

Peter Brook, Workshop
Filmed in the intimacy of the director’s work, a unique theatrical experience that reveals the magic of the creative process. Screening followed by a discussion with director Simon Brook.

Documentary by Simon Brook (France/Italy, 2013, 1h26)

Thursday, July 4th

Only Dance
An immersion into the prestigious Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris with apprentice dancers. Screening followed by a discussion with Muriel Maffre, Director of Dance Studies at the CNSMD, and dancer Pier Abadie.

Documentary series by Stéphane Carrel (France, 2022, 22 min, 2023, 36 min)