Revenir du présent, regards croisés sur la scène actuelle

(“Coming back from the present, A look at the contemporary scene”) at the Collection Lambert.

From February 10 to May 12, 2024

The Collection Lambert in Avignon and POUSH have teamed up to create an exhibition in the town center, showcasing the works of around forty resident artists from this vibrant incubator in Greater Paris.

Designed to intertwine the perspectives of a contemporary art centerand a collective space for artistic creation, Revenir du present serves as an echo chamber for a variety of artists and approaches, offering a glimpse into the art being made here in France at the moment. The proposals of these creators from countless different regions and countries, immersed in the bustling atmosphere of the POUSH studios in Aubervilliers (93), outline the contours of a French scene that is diverse, open, and aware of the complexities of contemporary issues.

Curators Stéphane Ibars and Yvannoé Kruger aim to draw an ideal triangle between the new districts of Greater Paris, the neighborhoods of the Avignon metropolitan area, and the projects that they host.

With: Carla Adra, Mathilde Albouy, Estèla Alliaud, Hugo Avigo, Marlon de Azambuja, Abdelhak Benallou, Djabril Boukhenaissi, Apollinaria Broche, Grégory Chatonsky, Salomé Chatriot, Gaëlle Choisne, Max Coulon, Morgan Courtois, Cyril Debon, Julian Farade, Cledia Fourniau, Laura Garcia Karras, Gerard & Kelly, Célia Gondol, Pascal Hachem, Arash Hanaei, Ittah Yoda, Michel Jocaille, Nika Kutateladze, Anne Le Troter, Matisse Mesnil, Daniel Otero Torres, Margot Pietri, Luca Resta, Edgar Sarin, Ugo Schildge, Laura Sellies, Erwan Sene, Pol Taburet, Félix Touzalin, Dune Varela, Marie de Villepin, Xolo Cuintle

Thanks to the Fondation Thalie for its support, and to the Centre Wallonie Bruxelles.