11th to 16th July, the arcades room.
With this creation, Héla Fattoumi and Éric Lamoureux invite the public to live a relationship to dance in a great proximity offering a filter-free access to the performers, the details, the vibration of the bodies and their expressive load. The receptivity context thus created stimulates a sensitive experience that intensifies the relationship between the spectator and the dance. Consisting of two duets, one feminine and the other masculine, EX- POSE(S) takes the spectator to a cheerful sorority for one and a disturbing brotherhood for the other. With this new off-road creation, they look at two iconic sculptors of the 20th century. One Western, Henri Laurens, the other African, Ousmane Sow, putting in perspective two generations who probably never met.
With : Meriem Bouajaja, Chourouk El Mahati, Mohamed Chniti, Mohamed Fouad
Choregraph : Héla Fattoumi, Éric Lamoureux
Photos by Laurent Philippe
Schedule of performances :
Monday 11th – Wenesday 13th July
7 p.m.- 8 p.m
Thursday 14th – Friday 15th July
10 a.m.- 11 a.m. & è p.m. – 8 p.m.
Samedi 16 juillet
10h00 – 11h00
Collection Lambert, 5 rue Violette 84000 Avignon
Salle aux arcades (Sol LeWitt #1143, rez-de-chaussée)
Ticket price : 10€
Contacts / reservations : Alice Péquignot : / 06 40 82 26 61
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